DMM Scientific Meeting 2016
AULA MAGNA POLO A. VALLISNERI Viale G. Colombo 3—35131 Padova
Dal 26.05.2016 al 27.05.2016
To present and discuss the DMM areas of investigation in the context of biomedical and translational research programmes that are currently among the most attractive subjects of inter-national research calls.
To debate scientific results and achievements with renowned scientists invited to be part of an external peer-review panel of DMM research activities.
To disseminate and implement knowledge in relevant areas of the Molecular Medicine and Applied Medical Sciences cre-ating a forum for discussion involving young and senior scien-tists, professionals and officers active in the fields of Molecu-lar and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Developmental Biology and Morphological Sciences, Microbiology and Infectious Dis-eases, Clinical Medicine and Public Health.
Giorgio Palù
Riccardo Manganelli
Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padua.